All Hail RHC!

My old mentor and friend Roy Campbell has finally retired from the Computer Science department at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.  He taught and mentored hundreds of students, including over 50 PhD’s (including me).  I’m one of many who might not be where I am today without you.

So let me say a belated, Cheers, Roy!

Anyone who worked with Roy knows that he has always had a broad and deep understanding of the future of computing and communications.  Sometimes I wasn’t sure I grokked what he was talking about, but I paid close attention because I usually found out how important it was soon enough.  I also learned that if I thought one thing and Roy thought the other—he was almost certainly right. (How annoying!)

  1. David Mercer, After 43 Years, Roy Campbell Retires, But Legacy of Innovation, Leadership Will Remain, in Illinois Computer Science – News. 2019.


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