Tag Archives: Brady Dale

Stablecoins are Hard

With all the hoopla around NFTs, let’s not forget last year’s crypto darling, “Stablecoins”. 

This technology continues to evolve in different ways. 

One of the more utopian visions in Nakamotoland is the idea of “algorithmic money”, an abstract token that is maintained at a specified “value” by software.  In the case of a “stablecoin”, the idea would be for the algorithm to automatically trade assets to maintain the desired peg.  For example, a token pegged to the US dollar would be supported by a basket of assets worth $1, which would be adjusted as the dollar fluctuated against those assets.

If you could make this work, then you would have a very stable asset, useful at least for digital traders.  (E.g., algorithmic trading could estimate the value of trades easily and reliably.)

But this is harder than it sounds.  In fact, no one has ever done it.

This spring Brady Dale discusses the travails of yet another try, the “Fei” stablecoin [1].

This project is designed to maintain a 1:1 peg to the US dollar, which is done by algorithms that basically buys and sells Ethereum and other (digital) assets.  The concept is to manage the supply of ‘Fei’ to encourage buying or selling to maintain the target peg.  I.e., if Fei is trading less than $1 (which is always is), the algorithms work to contract the supply of Fei, with the aim of increasing its exchange rate up to $1.

How’s this working out?

Anyone who has even the slightest familiarity with engineering will recognize this as a dynamic control system, which are always tricky to get right.  In fact, this kind of feed back system is often unstable and chaotic.

So, no surprise, Fei has had a “Rocky Start”.  For one thing, (at the time of the article) it had never actually reached the $1 peg.  So all the speculators who bought Fei at $1 (apparently $1B worth!) are holding a loss.  With nothing else really to do with Fei, they want to sell, sell, sell.

The algorithms intended to maintain the peg have proved ineffective.  Indeed, one mechanism which “rebalances” the exchange rate (by reducing the supply of Fei) has actually made things worse.  Each time the exchange rate is pushed up toward $1, there is a spike in selling, forcing it down.

The other mechanisms work less directly, attempting to incentivize buying or selling to move toward the peg.  These theoretical market forces have not come through, probably due to the fact that markets are more complicated than the algorithm’s model. 

I’ll also note that these indirect effects have at least a little latency, which likely contributes to the instability. And, of course, no one is really using Fei for anything other than speculation yet, so it has only a limited and fickle pool of users. 

The managers of Fei are beginning to tinker with the algorithms. I’m not optimistic that fiddling with the knobs and switches will really make things more stable. 

We’ll have to see.

Three final points.

First, Fei is competing with MakerDAO and other similar projects.  It’s major innovation is that instead of selling debt (as MakerDAO does) it is directly trading.  I.e., you just plain buy Fei, you don’t borrow them.

Second, I have to say that I don’t really understand the business model of this project.  At bottom, they are selling these tokens to users, accumulating a pool of assets.  How is this sustained?  Perhaps there are fees for buying in. Or perhaps they count on raking off profits when the Fei is worth more than $1.

The latter has yet to happen, so they haven’t made any profit that way.  Charging fees to buy tokens seems counterproductive to me—it makes the tokens worth less than the face value, which defeats the whole purpose.  (I.e., if it costs me $1.01 to ‘buy’ a dollar bill, the bill is worth 99 cents.  This is called ‘debasing’ the currency.)

Finally, I’ll note the irony that this entire project is, in a sense, heretical.  The whole point of Nakamotoan cryptocurrency is to replace fiat currency, not to rely on it.  Worse, the hated and “debased” USD seems to be more stable than the algorithm intended to track it.

  1. Brady Dale (2021) $1B Fei Stablecoin’s Rocky Start Is a Wake-Up Call for DeFi Investors. Coindesk,  https://www.coindesk.com/1b-fei-stablecoins-rocky-start-is-a-wake-up-call-for-defi-investors

Cryptocurrency Thursday

Silly Season in Nakamotoland

Last week was a holiday in the US, and news was slow everywhere including the Empire of Nakamoto.

There was yet another sudden, inexplicable drop in the exchange rate for Bitcoin [4],  which has been followed by an equally sudden and inexplicable rise to record levels.  By now, inexplicable instability just isn’t news.

With little real news to report it was a bit of a silly season, judging by the headlines at Coindesk.

We read that the crypto industry, which emerged from Cypherpunk culture, talks the talk but doesn’t much walk the walk [3].  Brady Dale takes off from the completely balanced position, “Start with the realization that the cypherpunks were right.”  Basically, he thinks that that the most important goal is personal privacy, i.e., anonymity and secrecy.

In the digital domain, this is achieved by (DIY) cryptography.  The goal, of course, is personal power, the power to live outside all authority, especially, “the state”.  (In my own observation, it is easy to pretend to live outside, but it’s really, really hard work to really do it.)

As Dale discusses, Nakamotoan cryptocurrencies came out of this general philosophy, but the actual implementations are used in many ways.  Bitcoin itself is famously “pseudoanonymous”, and even boasts of its “transparency”.  Other members of the extended Nakamoto family are much more aggressive in obscuring identity and activity, with greater and lesser success.

And with developments like DeFi and so on, the picture is murky.  Whatever the design of Bitcoin, per se, when embedded in a digital version of a conventional financial system, it isn’t necessarily private or secret anymore. In any case, anarchism is not about efficiently running Ponzi schemes, or anyway, is not supposed to be.

And, as Dale says, regardless of PR, there is a diversity of use.  Different folks are using the same technology for a lot of different uses, many of which aren’t particularly anarchistic.  I mean, people talk about paying your taxes with Bitcoin, which really is the opposite of what a cyber anarchist would want to do!

So, yeah, anarchists might potentially use Nakamotoan technology, but the technology doesn’t really implement a cyber anarchist world, no matter what the swaggering slide decks may say.

On another front, Leigh Cuen reports the crypto industry really is walking the walk for online sex workers [2].  In particular, Cuen calls attention on a fabulous new innovation, ‘findom’.  Essentially, the customer digitally submission to the provider, who then abuses the customer in various ways.  A particularly interesting case allegedly involve draining the customer’s cryptocurrency accounts while he watched.  A totally new, and highly profitable, form of masochism!

To each his own.  : – )

And speaking of porn, there seems to be a small “bitcoin and meat” sub-culture, aggressively (self-)promoting bitcoin and eating meat [1].  Cuen finds this “both stupid and correct”, which is weak journalism to say the least.  (The “stupid” part is that Bitcoin has nothing to do with what you eat. The “correct” part is that eating mostly good meat is probably better for you than eating highly processed foods.)

There is surely a strong element of social signalling here, more than any particular logic.  And this seems to be high testosterone, dominant male thinking here—a swaggering belief in cryptocurrency fitting comfortably with a swaggering carnivorism, neither moderated by data, empathy, or global thinking.


And speaking of Silly Season, it’s time for the not-much-anticipated, definitely-not-coveted, CryptoTulip of the Year Award.

The CryptoTulip of the Year is awarded to something that exemplifies the completely illogical irrational exuberance of the cryptocurrency world.

Last year winner was Facebook’s Libra won.  Who will win this year?  Will Libra repeat?

The committee (which would be moi) has many possible candidates.  Some leading possibliites might be:

Bitcoin – the great scaling debate has been going on for more than two years now, with no resolution in sight.  Plus there have been bugs, flash crashes and jumps.  And the true believers are still expecting Bitcoin to replace the dollar, but it hasn’t happened yet.

Ethereum – In particular, Ethereum 2.0 has been coming “Real Soon Now” for more than a year, as they have been exploring actual, real life, software engineering.  Plus the usual fun of “mystery transactions” and other anomalies.  Nothing seems to tarnish the popularity of this old heartthrob.

DeFi – the very essence of irrational exuberance, DeFi cuts out almost everything except the raw greed, basically reinventing all the bad ideas ever thought up, except at light speed and with no humans involved.  What could possibly go wrong?  Oh, wait.  Is this even legal?

Stablecoins  — lots of interest in so-called stable coins, which peg cryptocurrency to other assets.  This concept gives you all the worst aspects of cryptocurrency (flimsy, insecure software, opacity, speed and volatility) with the very thing crypto is designed to eliminate (fiat money, conventional financial institutions, “the man”).

The award will be announced at the end of the year, so stay tuned.

  1. Leigh Cuen (2020) Bitcoin’s Carnivore Cult Is Both Stupid and Correct. coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-carnivore-cult-both-stupid-and-correct
  2. Leigh Cuen (2020) How Bitcoin Plays Into the BDSM Trend Taking the Porn World By Storm Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/podcasts/coindesk-reports/bitcoin-bdsm-porn-podcast
  3. Brady Dale (2020) Cypherpunk, Crypto Anarchy and How Bitcoin Lost the Narrative. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/cypherpunk-crypto-anarchy-and-how-bitcoin-lost-the-narrative
  4. Sebastian Sinclair (2020) Bitcoin Price Drops Almost $3,000 With Sharpest Sell-Off Since March. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-drops-1000-sharpest-decline-3-weeks


Cryptocurrency Thursday




Tulip of the year: DeFi

Frankly, I don’t really understand the latest Nakamotoan Tulip, ‘decentralized finance’ AKA DeFi.  As far as I can tell, it’s basically just unregulated, unregulatable, lending.  Why is this a thing at all, let along a good thing?  Why would anybody lend unknown people “money” (or at least digital tokens that aspire to be “money”), no matter what the interest rate?

I assume that the answer is usually something to do with tax evasion and money laundering.

As Shiv Malik puts it, “DeFi Mania Proves We Learned Nothing From the ICO Run-Up” [3].   One of the things he is referring to is a strange maneuver completed this week, which some call a DeFi “Vampire” attack [2]. I don’t completely understand this “attack”, but the result is that one DeFi group pumped and dumped a competitor, with the effect of sucking out hundreds of millions of its assets.  Kewl!

The “coolness” is multiplied by the timing, because the founders who directed this assault cashed out immediately, passing the organization (and some would say, criminal liability) to some chumps volunteer community leaders [1].

The other unlearned lessons Malik refers to is the unreflective enthusiasm for what is basically a speculative bubble.  These pools of assets are being used to lend money to “invest” in, wait for it, buying more assets.  One form of this is called ‘yield farming’, which basically is just fiddling around with multiple pools of money, borrowing and lending to capture tiny differences in interest rates.  I guess this can work, at least for a while.  But it has no particular use except for moving around these digital tokens.

The point, of course, is that this junk activity is not only economically useless activity, it is 100% guaranteed to inflate a bubble that will pop very soon now.

What Hath Satoshi Wrought?

Aside from the innate exuberance of the Nakamotoan crowd, this bubble is happening because there are no grown ups involved. It isn’t clear what the legal framework is,or should be, or who should regulate these activities.  But, as Donna Redel and Olta Andon put it, “Regulators Are Circling” [4].

In short, there is little question that DeFi has to be the prohibitive leader for the Crypto Tulip of the Year Award this year.

  1. Brady Dale (2020) SushiSwap Migration Ushers in Era of ‘Protocol Politicians. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/sushiswap-migration-defi-protocol-politicians
  2. Bradley Keoun, Omkar Godbole, and Sebastian Sinclair (2020) First Mover: DeFi ‘Vampire’ SushiSwap Sucks $800M from Uniswap; BitMEX Basis Lags. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/first-mover-defi-vampire-sushiswap-uniswap-bitmex-basis
  3. Shiv Malik (2020) DeFi Mania Proves We Learned Nothing From the ICO Run-Up. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/defi-mania-ico-bubble
  4. Donna Redel and Olta Andoni (2020) DeFi Is Just Like the ICO Boom and Regulators Are Circling. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/defi-ico-boom-regulators-circling


Cryptocurrency Thursday

A New “Use Case” for Bitcoin?

The “new” idea is a Nakamotoan cryptocurrency (Stacks) that uses “Proof of Transfer” (PoX) instead of classic Proof of Work [3] .  Specifically, you “mine” STX by paying Bitcoin.  It’s kind of like tethering, except tethering to (untethered) Bitcoin.  Or, you could think of it as a form of “permissioned” blockchain, where nodes can buy their way into the network.

Proof of Transfer is a proposed design that uses Bitcoin’s Proof of Work (PoW) to launch new blockchains that are anchored in Bitcoin’s security” (from [1])

From the point of view of the new cryptocurrency, this solves some of the big problems booting up a new blockchain:  too few nodes to be secure, and minimal initial value in the crypto tokens.  This is either “bootstrapping” a new blockchain, or parasitism, depending on your point of view.

From the point of view of Bitcoin miners and users, this is, I guess, a potential “use case”* [3]. In the sense that it is something new you can spend your Bitcoin on.  I’m not sure it adds much else to the Nakmotoan comics multiverse.

From the point of view of a user, I have difficulty seeing why I would want STX any more than I would want any other mutant cryptocurrency.  The advocates make a big point that Bitcoin is “secure” because it has the largest network and the most users by far.

But, as I have said many times, security is an end-to-end property, and STX is no more secure than the weakest link.  So who knows?  (I’m particularly skeptical of the possibility that wealthy nodes can buy their way into control of the STX system.)

The materials indicate that a big part of the idea is to do “smart contracts” which Bitcoin does not support well, but using Bitcoin equivalent cryptocurrency.

“PoX can enable a powerful smart contract language like Clarity on a new blockchain that benefits from Bitcoin’s security without any modification to Bitcoin.” (from [1])

Whether this is a great idea or not, executable contracts are certainly not “secure” just because it uses Bitcoin.

I don’t really know what to make of this.  It doesn’t seem to me to have much possible use.  I guess we’ll see what happens.

* By the way, this is not really the correct original meaning of the term “use case”, which means an analysis of how a system could be used, not just another use for the system.   Marketing people repurposing engineering jargon just makes me think they don’t know what they are talking about. Sigh.

  1. Muneeb Ali, Realizing Web 3.0: Proof of Transfer Mining with Bitcoin, in Blockstack, February 6, 2020. https://blog.blockstack.org/realizing-web-3-proof-of-transfer-mining-with-bitcoin/
  2. Blockstack, PoX: Proof of Transfer Mining with Bitcoin. Blockstack PBC, 2020. https://blockstack.org/pox.pdf
  3. Brady Dale (2020) Blockstack’s New Consensus Mechanism Creates New Use Case for Bitcoin. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/blockstack-nodes-will-be-paid-in-btc-not-stx-to-secure-the-network


Cryptocurrency Thursday

Tulipphilia: Faith-based Nakamotoan Economics

Layer1, a company notable for its astonishingly opaque website, is reportedly “plans to bring wind-powered bitcoin mining rigs to West Texas early next year.” [1]  (Brady Dale notes that Peter Thiel has invested in this project, which I assume he imagines is an endorsement.)

As far as I can tell, Layer1 are building wind farms to power their Bitcoin mining machines, thus “driving its business plan straight into the “bitcoin wastes too much energy” argument”, and argument which you have heard from me and others.

Dale’s headline terms this “renewable Bitcoin MIning”, though it is actually “wasting renewable energy” instead of just “wasting energy”.

To me, this business plan actually makes the Bitcoin is Evil argument all the stronger:  building windfarms that do not displace existing Carbon emissions is, well, not helpful. Less evil than recommissioning retired coal fired plants, but a waste of perfectly good turbines.

Layer1 CEO Alexander Liegl is sure this is a good idea because, and I quote, “Bitcoin is the only thing we believe in….” (Alexander Liegl quoted in  [1])


The essence of Nakamotoaism! Pure, unadulterated.

In the article, Liegl gives another very revealing comment, noting that “Bitcoin mining is pretty compelling to people out there [in Texas] because it’s pretty analogous to how oil and gas works.” (Liegl, quoted in  [1])

Again, wow!

And he has a valid point.

The term Bitcoin “mining” is not just a metaphor, or rather, it is an extremely literal metaphor.  Bitcoin mining is an extractive industry, akin got mining and farming. Fundamentally, cryptomining consumes vast quantities of electricity and computation to “extract” a raw material (Bitcoin).  Bitcoin may or may not be used for economically productive activities, but the tokens themselves are useless. Just like petroleum or iron ore.

Texans (and Peter Thiel) may think extractive industries are the bee’s knees, but a lot of us know that they are unsustainable and not good for the planet, at least not for the parts of the planet that humans inhabit.

I guess the good news is that when the Bitcoin mining goes out of business, the windfarms probably will still be useful.

  1. Brady Dale (2019) Peter Thiel Backs $200 Million Valuation for Renewable Bitcoin Mining in the US. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/peter-thiel-backs-200-million-valuation-for-renewable-bitcoin-mining-in-the-us


Cryptocurrency Thursday

Facebook’s Libra: Crypto Tulip of the Year?

The Cryptotulip of the Year judges have taken note.  A new 800 pound cryptotulip enters the competition!

Everyone is talking about Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency and payment system.  As with everything FB does, it’s a big idea simply because of its massive captive user population.  Move over Nakamoto, because whatever cryptocurrency used to be, it is now about Libra.

I haven’t plowed through the official white paper, but the summaries I’ve seen indicate that Libra mashes up features borrowed from many existing cryptocurrency projects [1, 2].  As such, it looks like it is “school of Nakamorto”, but not particularly orthodox.

Of course, as the product of a giant monopolistic corporation, it certainly flies in the face of the libertarian ethos of fundamentalist Nakamotoism.  Replacing a government monopoly on money with a corporate monopoly on money is not what Satoshi’s folks were aiming for.

It should be noted that important aspects of Libra are TBD.  The information to date is hazy about “governance”, which isn’t surprising because cryptocurrencies generally have no clue on this front.  They also envision going to a Proof of Stake some time in the future, following Ethereum’s path.   In this, they certainly capture the look and feel of contemporary cryptocurrency, no?

Libra appears to follow the Nakamotoan concept of pseudo anonymity (ID by public key), which is interesting in so far as it seems to violate FB’s own policies.  And anyone who thinks that they are anonymous on FB run platforms deserves everything they get.

The network is definitely proprietary, and, in fact, the “open” API is a minimal subset of the functionality.  The hoi poloi will be able to have read only access to the blockchain for now, only the big wheels will be able to build real apps.

Oh, and by the way, they created their own programming language and virtual machine.  Because, I guess, the world needs yet another, incompatible, programming environment.  Sigh.

Frankly, Libra doesn’t look fully baked to me.  Libra is supposed to be a stable coin, backed by some kind of basket of assets.  There are other hints about their monetary policies (such as “burning” coins in an effort to maintain a stable money supply).  Other systems have had limited success with these approaches, and we have little idea of just what FB will really do.

Even without regulatory problems (and I guarantee you that there will be massive pushback), it’s not clear how successful this will be. What would success look like?  What is it for, anyway?  Who wants it, who will use it?

Of course, even a limited success would still be the most successful crypto project ever, because FB has billions of users.  It could put every other cryptocurrency out of business. On the other hand, this could be the biggest non-event in the history of crypto—just another alt-coin, but with a really, really big bank roll.

The CryptoTulip Award judges (me) are already seeing a burst rhetorical enthusiasm, pro-Libra, anti-Libra, and hard-to-classify.  And we are very impressed with the “Nakamotoan” coating around FB’s (probably evil) monopolistic ambitions.  So Libra already seems to be the one to beat for this year’s Crypto Tulip of the Year.

  1. Brady Dale (2019) Libra White Paper Shows How Facebook Borrowed From Bitcoin and Ethereum. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/libra-white-paper-shows-how-facebook-borrowed-from-bitcoin-and-ethereum
  2. Christine Kim and Ian Allison (2019) Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency: A Technical Deep Dive. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/facebooks-libra-cryptocurrency-a-technical-deep-dive
  3. Libra Association, Welcome to the official Libra White Paper. Libra Association, 2019. https://libra.org/en-US/white-paper/


Cryptocurrency Thursday

Ethereum Use Case: Crypto Loan Sharking?

Uh, oh!  When you start having speeches about “a narrative shift”, you know it’s going to end badly.

As Brady Dale reports in Coindesk from the Ethereal Summit NY,  there was a clash of “narratives” [1].  Is Ethereum going to reinvent “everything”, or is it going to be a platform that “reinvents” finance.

For long time true believers, Ethereum is going to change everything.  Of course, that’s neither a plan nor a sustainable business model.  What else have you got?

In recent months, there has been a great deal of excitement about “decentralized finance”, apparently known to all as “DeFi”.  This could mean many things, but it seems to be mainly about automated loans using Ethereum “smart contracts”.

The Coinbase report indicates that the leader in this area is MakerDAO, which offers a “stablecoin” (pegged to a fixed exchange rate with fiat currency or assets), and innovations such as loans and “collateralized debt position” (loans) and “fair credit for everyone” (loans).

So basically, a loan company.  (And some say, a loan shark.)

Unsurprisingly, unregulated lending is a business plan, and a very popular one. There are minor details such as complaints about sky high fees and the prospect of pesky regulators.  But,  enthusiasm is high enough that the DeFi tail wants to wag the Ethereum dog.

To get a flavor of the (irrationa?l) exuberence, consider a quote from Tulip DeFi enthusiast Ameen Soleimani of MakerDAO:

“The announcement that I’m waiting for is the first small nation to announce they are issuing their own currency on ethereum.” (quotes in [1])

Um.  This is Ethereum we’re talking about, right?

The cryptocurrency that suffered grievous oopsies.  The cryptocurrency that rolled back transactions and split into two chains, to undo some of the oopsies.  The cryptocurrency that is run by a small coterie of insiders, and features frequent hard forks.  And the MakerDAO is another layer of insiders and opacity.  (And why would you want “DAO” in your name?)

How could a nation state risk the complete subversion or destruction of their currency?  Why would a nation state take such a risk?

And, supposing that a nation state or even major banks did start using this DeFi.  What happens to Ethereum 2.0 (or 2.5, or 3.0, or whatever). These financial users will be very, very resistant to changing the infrastructure that their assets depend on. And they will be a position to veto any technical changes.

This would probably result in the technical obsolescence of Ethererum in a few years.  (Ask IBM about the difficulty of maintaining infrastructure without being able to change anything.)

I’m not saying that there will never be a day when central bank might use blockchain technology.  But Ethereum 1,0 in 2019?  I don’t think so.

If the Crypto Tulip Award hinges on pure hubris, DeFi will certainly be highly competitive.

  1. Brady Dale (2019) The Big Question at Ethereal Summit NY: Is DeFi Enough for Ethereum? Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/the-big-question-at-ethereal-summit-ny-is-defi-enough-for-ethereum


Cryptocurrency Thursday

Say It Aint So: EOS Has Vote Buying Problems

EOS is certainly pushing hard for the coveted CryptoTulip of the Year Award this year.

This month we’re Shocked, Shocked! to learn that EOS blockchain voting can be corrupted.

Just as predicted.

Actually, the story is far more complex and interesting.  As Brady Dale reports, this blockchain based governance system not only has technical flaws, it has grievous vulnerabilities to vote buying and just plain vote stealing [2].  Not exactly the brave new world Nakamoto imagined.

Even worse, this system has blundered into real life, very non-Nakamotoan geopolitics, as Chinese and American users vie to control the network.

“we saw EOS holders announcing that they’d no longer vote for any China-based block producers at all.”

Hmm.  What is wrong with this picture?

EOS is supposed to be governed by a “constitution”, which every participating node is supposed to agree to and implement.  Shockingly enough, it seems that not everyone is faithfully following this constitution, and the consensus mechanisms aren’t doing much to prevent or work around the problem.  (Who’d a thunk it?)

The other “innovation” is that the consensus is not simply peer-to-peer a la Nakamoto.  The nodes “vote” to select 21 nodes to execute each round.  The theory is that this type of crowd sourcing will self regulate, picking only well behaved and efficient nodes.

Astonishingly enough, this voting scheme has been plagued by extraneous politics and the whiff of old fashioned corruption.  (Who’d a thunk it?)

And, the icing on the cake is that the tokens are distributed in the usual pattern:  the founders control an overwhelming amount of the wealth and votes [1].  So, whatever the “community” may want, and however users may behave, a handful of people have the power to control the rules.

Very “decentralized”.

Clearly, EOS is successfully “disrupting” the Nakmotoan paradigm, and exploring some new ways for really old problems to be implemented.

EOS must certainly be a strong contender for the CryptoTulip of the Year.


  1. Brady Dale (2018) Block.One Is Taking a Bigger Role With EOS (And That’s a Big Deal). Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/block-one-is-taking-a-bigger-role-with-eos-and-thats-a-big-deal/
  2. Brady Dale (2018) Vote Buying Scandal Stokes Fears of EOS Governance Failure. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/vitalik-called-it-vote-buying-scandal-stokes-fears-of-eos-failure/


Cryptocurrency Thursday

Ethereum Facing A Gresham’s Law

Ethereum continues its strong play to retain the Crypto Tulip of The Year award.

This summer sees the rise of legal sports betting everywhere in the US (thanks, SCOTUS!), and cryptocurrencies are just the thing for this new gold rush.

Ethereum offers even more:  dapps using Ethereum contracts are just perfect for betting schemes, legal or otherwise.  And the difference between an honest game of chance and a scam is a very, very thin line.

Even Coindesk, generally enthusiastic about crypto technology, reports concerns.  While Brady Dale reports on “Non-Believable Tokens” (Cryptokitties was only the beginning), Christine Kim is even clearer:  “Ethereum has a gambling problem.”

Dale recounts “The 7 Strangest Crypto Collectibles”, which are clogging up the Ethereum network and blockchain.  As in the case of CryptoKitties, each of these ‘harmless’ pastimes is sucking CPU and bandwidth from the Ethereum network, potentially crowding out “real” work.  At the very least, the commons is being exploited for socially dubious purposes.

“CryptoKitties has been seen as a harbinger of things to come for blockchain believers, one that opens up new possibilities in the world of video games, real estate and precious metals, among other things.”

If it were all harmless trading cards, that would be bad enough.  These CryptoKitty knock offs seem quaint and charming compared to the flood of gambling dapps. Ethereum smart contracts are perfect for betting games, though they are so opaque that it is difficult to know exactly what the game may be.  Some of them are surely Ponzi schemes or worse.

“Ethereum has a gambling problem.

“Since July, products resembling Ponzi schemes, a fraudulent form of investment promising high returns for little cost, have topped the charts among decentralized applications (dapps) running on the world’s second-largest blockchain, outpacing even the popular CryptoKitties.”

These dubious activities are, as Kim says, “Unstoppable scams”. But the entire Nakamotoan enterprise is founded on the desire for unstoppable transactions, so this is a feature, not a bug, of Ethereum.

It is becoming clear that the Nakamotoan erm ”trustless” really means “you’re on your own”—which isn’t good for business.  True-blue Nakamotoans see “trustlessness” as an important feature.  But it’s clear that people want to trust dapps, even though they really shouldn’t.  When these scams inevitably blow up, people will feel cheated, and Ethereum and “legitimate” apps will be smeared with the bad reputation.

If you can’t tell scams from legit, how can you use the system at all?

To put it in terms that Nakamotoans might understand, there is a form of Gresham’s Law here. Bad dapps are driving out good.  And, hint, hint, “let the buyer beware” has never been a formula for fixing this problem.

Even the honest but silly collectables are enacting a tragedy of the commons.  These enterprises are built on the principle that the blockchain is “free” for everyone to use. Why spend money on infrastructure when the Ethereum network will do the work for you?  Sit back and collect the profits, let “the internet” pay the bills.

If that doesn’t sound sustainable, that’s because it isn’t sustainable.

I’ll add a history lesson.

In the early days of computing, most universities provided time shared computer services as a “commons” like the library. (Generally, this was on “the computer”, singular. :-))  Everyone had access for minimal cost, with minimal supervision.

But soon enough, games and other pass times became popular and started sucking down resources, crowding out “real” research and class work. And people created dating programs and other enterprises that used the commons for private profit.

In every case, the shared system had to be rationed, and certain uses banished to the middle of the night or banned altogether.  This is the inevitable trajectory of a shared computing system, or, indeed, almost any commons.

Nakamotoan “decentralized” systems are designed to be open commons, just like time shared centralized systems.  I would predict that they are subject to the same trajectory as any other common: they will be over used and flooded by exploitative users which crowd out other uses.

However, Nakamotoan systems have no authority and no technical capability to actually ration access*, so they will have to run to destruction.

There will be an end, there always must be an end. It will not be pretty.

* Technically, the system is supposed to be rationed via fees and the supposed incentive structures in the protocol. These mechanisms do not and cannot work.  If you don’t believe me, stay tuned.  You’ll see.

  1. Brady Dale (2018) Non-Believable Tokens: The 7 Strangest Crypto Collectibles. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/the-7-strangest-non-fungible-tokens-for-cryptos-collectors/
  2. Christine Kim (2018) Unstoppable Scams? Ethereum’s Gambling Problem Is Only Getting Worse. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/unstoppable-scams-ethereums-gambling-problem-is-only-getting-worse/


Cryptocurrency Thursday

CryptoTulip of the Year: Ethereum Could Repeat

As noted last week, “The ICO” is clearly a strong candidate for this year’s not-at-all-coveted “CryptoTulip of the Year” award.

But it would be a mistake to count out last year’s winner, Ethereum, for a repeat.  For one thing, everything that carried Ethereum to recognition is still happening.  In particular, the Great Oopsie of 2017 is still unresolved, with no resolution in sight.

Nor is the underlying governance crisis settled. In fact, no progress has been made this year [2].   One “innovation” this year has been the “Council of Ethereum Magicians”,  which seeks to solve the dilemmas of deadlocked democracy through an unelected group of technocrats, Philosopher Kings.  In this, Ethereum recapitulates Plato’s Republic, described circa 380BCE.  This is also the secret of “success” for the European Union (see [3]) and the Euro.

Of course, Ethereum is also the platform of choice for ICOs, as well as many other crypto manias, including flat out Ponzi schemes and  even an assassination market. There is nothing quite like fraud built on top of a faulty technical platform, with no one in charge!  It’s bogosity all the way down!

“Larry Cermak, an analyst, described the situation on Sunday as “depressing.”

“”Legitimate use cases like [decentralized exchanges] and prediction markets are not gaining any traction while scams and useless games are thriving,” Cermak tweeted.” (quoted in [4])

It’s going to be a very competitive race for this year’s CryptoTulip Award.  We’ll see how the second half of the year plays out.

  1. Brady Dale and David Floyd (2018) Ponzi Games Are Breaking Out on the Ethereum Blockchain. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/scam-or-be-scammed-ponzi-games-are-breaking-out-on-ethereum/
  2. Rachel Rose O’Leary (2018) Ethereum’s Most Heated Tech Debate Is Proving It’s Far From Over. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/ethereums-most-heated-tech-debate-is-proving-its-far-from-over/
  3. Yanis Varoufakis, Adults in the Room: My Battle with the European and American Deep Establishment, New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2017.
  4. Rachel Rose O’Leary (2018) What Scams? Ethereum’s Vision for Apps Is Only Growing Bolder. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/what-scams-ethereums-vision-for-apps-is-only-growing-bolder/
  5. David Floyd (2018) The First Augur Assassination Markets Have Arrived. Coindesk, https://www.coindesk.com/the-first-augur-assassination-markets-have-arrived/



Cryptocurrency Thursday