The that’s not big enough department:  VoloDrone

The Volo Copter has a cargo version, the VoloDrone.

I’ve noted this remarkable aircraft before, which has an impressive design (18 rotors!), and actually exists.  Volo is also notable for an elaborate business plan, including hopes to deploy in Singapore.

In short, this is a whole lot realer than a lot of UAV projects!

VoloDrone is the cargo version, capable of lifting 200kg of cargo 40 km.

The company materials say this would be useful in “a slew of industries”, though I couldn’t really guess when you would use this versus other alternatives.  Clearly, this can do anything a helicopter can, with lower emissions and noise than a conventional helicopter.  Success will probably depend on the economics (cost of fuel versus electricity, staffing requirements, duty cycle actually achieved, etc.).

I recall that earlier demos emphasized the integration of the air delivery with bicycle or other ground transport for the last kilometer.  This sounds like a really expensive way to deliver a pizza, so I have to assume that we’re talking about extremely high priority, high value deliveries.

I’m still not sure how well these uncrewed aircraft will work in a city.  Short to ship—that should work fine.  But in a complex urban air space, I’m not sure how well the uncrewed versions will work. 

However well it works out, VoloDrone certainly looks great! 

And overall, I guess I’m still way, way more comfortable with cargo delivery than uncrewed passenger service. 

Robot Wednesday

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