ChatGPT Does Valentines, Too

Sensei Janelle Shane has been having fun with GPT for many years now. 

In past years, she has challenged GPT and similar ML to generate seasonal greetings, including Christmas carols and Valentine’s cards.  The products are often very troubling. They seem to start out conventionally and then veer off into very dark territory.  Where did the neural network find these troubling patterns in the data it was given?

This year she challenged her GPT collaborators to generate Valentine’s Day cards, this time asking for text completing a poem starting with “Roses are red, Violets are blue [1].  She also asks for descriptions of the illustrations to go with the text.

To be fair, generating rhyming poetry is, as Sensei Janelle puts it, “notoriously difficult”.  Several older versions of GPT produced things that are more or less in the ball park of bad human generated poetry.  The ML generated suggested illustrations did tend to be pretty weird, though.  And, as usual, some of the results are, well, “interesting”.

“Its meter isn’t great, and sometimes it makes interesting choices.”


And then there is the flavor of the month, ChatGPT.  ChatGPT is known to be a mediocre programmer and a terrible rocket scientist, among other things.  How’s it do at greeting cards?

In a word:  they are boring.

“With the newer models, and especially with chatgpt, the changes OpenAI made to make them more predictable also made them more boring. Chatgpt’s Valentine cards are generic and repetitive.”



"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
This card may be old,
But my love for you is brand new.”

(From [1])

Looking at the results, Sensei Janelle concludes, “Fluent? Yes. Interesting? No.”

The overall collection is “highly surreal yet apparently probable” cards.

These are probably apt descriptions of all GPT output.

  1. Janelle Shane, Roses are red, in AIWeirdness, February 7, 2023.

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