Book Review: “The Road To Roswell” by Connie Willis

The Road To Roswell by Connie Willis

It’s been a while since Crosstalk (2016), but I’m always happy to get more from Willis!

Road to Roswell is, indeed, an adventure at Roswell, NM.  And indeed, there are UFO enthusiasts, Roswell and Los Vegas lunacy, secret government agencies, and, yes, aliens.

This is a work of fiction, but one suspects that many of the scenes and characters are based on real visits to Roswell.

To give a flavor, the protagonist Francie comes to Roswell at the time of the festival (if you don’t know what festival, why are you even thinking of reading this book?).  She’s not interested in the festival, she’s coming because her best friend is getting married.  Not only on the loopiest week of the year, but in the actual UFO Museum.  Obviously, the groom is a dedicated believer.  Sigh.  The things we do for friends.

Anyway, Francie is pulled in to what can only be called a madcap encounter with real ETs. 

Unlike the movies and despite the expectations of the UFO enthusiasts, the whole thing is charming and humane.  But still insane.

Stuff happens.   Francie meets people (Earth people and others).  She tries to help a visitor do whatever it is he’s trying to do, which involves avoiding the Federales.  What is he (?) up to, anyway?  And what will happen if the grown ups finally catch them?

Much of the story involves Francie and friends trying to establish communication with the alien visitor.  Everybody has watched too many movies, so misunderstandings abound on all sides.  It’s a miracle no one gets seriously hurt.

It’s all a lot of silly fun.

  1. Connie Willis, The Road To Roswell, New York, Del Rey, 2023.

Sunday Book Reviews

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