Tag Archives: Claire Porter

Dogecoin Narrative: Interview with Jackson Palmer

It seems to be Aussie week.

A few days ago I pointed to a great piece about Genevieve Bell.

Today, I’m looking at a widely seen piece from Techly about Jackson Palmer, one of the founders of Dogecoin. This piece is another exhibit in the “Bitcoin vs. Dogecoin” culture war I’ve commented on.

Palmer appears to have his head screwed on right, and even seems to understand real economics and politics.  He expresses excitement about ecoins as web-based micro payments, which is absolutely one of the important uses of these currencies.

He also points out that besides those horrible central banks, online commerce is being monopolized by large corporations (Apple, Google, Amazon–the usual suspects). Cryptocurrencies offer a way for little guys to keep in the game without permission of the big monopolies.

Palmer also stands out from the Bitcoinistas, in that he favors regulation of cryptocurrencies, AKA, “playing by the same rules as everybody else”.

The culture war is nakedly on view in this interview, as Palmer is quoted

Palmer characterised Bitcoin types as “an elitist little group you have to ask for an invite to, whereas Dogecoin is more a grassroots community thing.”

The other news in the interview is that Palmer says he turned down venture capital to develop Dogecoin. I don’t know what the whole story is, but his remarks clearly advance the Dogecoin vs. Bitcoin narrative.

Great fun.  These Aussies, they’re such scamps!

The more I see, the more I think there is a serious ‘semantic analysis’ project here. Don’t wait for me, jump right in.

By the way, for reference, here is a discussion of the possible origins of the ‘Doge’ meme.