Tag Archives: NCR Exec: Merchant Response to Bitcoin Eclipsed Apple Pay

More Cryptocurrency Talk And Results

While it is tempting to have some fun with Jon Matonis fire breathing call for aggressive legal attacks on, well, money.  At least he recognizes that the powers that be have no interest at all in being “disrupted”, and have the means and the will to resist.

In stead I’ll comment on Pete Rizzo’s report in Coindesk about NCR offering Bitcoin payments in its name-brand-of-all-name-brand small business equipment, which he reports was very well received initially.

I’m still not convinced that Bitcoin will be as popular as Apple Pay and competitors, but this certainly demonstrates both the “end-to-end” principle and the importance of “trust” in this supposedly “trustless” system.  NCR is scarcely the first POS system that takes Bitcoin, but NCR is freakin’ NCR, man.  They practically invented the cash register, we trust them.  If they let you pay with sea shells merchants would be happy to take them.