Worth a look: NYT Profile of Genevieve Bell

In the Sunday NYT there is a nice profile of Dr. Genevieve Bell of Intel. Bell is an anthropologist who has had an amazing free hand to investigate how people around the world use technology, with no requirement that it result in immediate products or sales.  What a lucky woman!

I heard Dr. Bell speak several years ago at CHI 2010, which was a memorable and inspiring talk. She’s Austrailian (which is obvious as soon as she opens her mouth), and clearly puts up with no nonsense.  If you ever have a chance to hear or meet her, be sure to do so.

From my own background in both social science and computer software, I find Bell’s observations fascinating and often right on target. With so much computer technology apparently designed to meet the needs of twenty-somethings who work in the computer software industry, it is really good to see solid, thoughtful examination of how the rest of the world (AKA, R. O. W.) lives.


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