2018 Round Up: Stuff I Published in 2018

It’s one thing to write for your own blog, it’s another thing entirely to get someone else to publish what you write!

2018 saw several publications worth noting.

The big one was the self-published book, “What is Coworking?” [4] (with its own blog here).  This sprang from dozens of blog postings over several years, encompassing a lot of research and thought.  See the blog for more info.

To publicize the book, I did a Pecha Kucha talk in October [2]. (More info here. This short talk (available on YouTube) sketches one of the more interesting ideas in the book.

On another topic, I contributed an article to the American Solar Energy Association’s Tiny Watts Blog  [1]. The piece combines my long time interest in community maker spaces with my really, really long time interest in solar energy.

I also contributed an article to the local monthly paper, The Public-I [3].  The article discusses the Clean Energy Credit Union, which I learned about at the ASES conference in August.  A longer version with an interview with the cofounder can be found here.

I also had one rejection which is memorable because the conference went totally insane after not accepting my submission. The paper in question is being revised and will be submitted to a real journal or conference in 2019.

So that’s the high points.  See you in print!

(For the record, Most of my publications, projects, and presentations are listed here.)

  1. Robert McGrath, Tiny Watts – Solar Power For Everyone, in Tiny Watts Blog. 2018. https://www.ases.org/tiny-watts-solar-power-for-everyone/
  2. Robert McGrath, What is Coworking? Is It Participatory Theater?, in Champaign Urbana PechaKucha Night. 2018. https://youtu.be/CTFrYzzCOj8
  3. Robert E. McGrath, A New Option to Finance A Clean Energy Future for Everyone, in The Public I: A Paper of the People. 2018. http://publici.ucimc.org/2018/12/a-new-option-to-finance-a-clean-energy-future-for-everyone/
  4. Robert E. McGrath, What is Coworking? A look at the multifaceted places where the gig economy happens and workers are happy to find community. 2018, Robert E. McGrath: Urbana. https://whatiscoworkingthebook.com/

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