Weird Weather Up Greenland Way

A few weeks ago, Greenland experienced rare rainfall.  This changed suddenly when the remnants of tropical storm Larry made it all the to Greenland, triggering “copious” snowfall [1].

Larry reached Greenland on September 12 as a post-tropical storm, delivering high winds and copious snowfall to the island’s southeast and interior” 

(From [1])

It is unusual for tropical storms to come all the way north to Greenland, so this makes the summer of ’21 even weirder.  Extreme melting followed by extreme amounts of stow for this time of year.

No one knows yet whether the hurricane induced snow fully balanced out the rain induced melting for this summer.  In any case, even a large hurricane isn’t going to reverse the continuing melt off of Greenland’s ice cap.

Models indicate that climate change is driving both warmer air over Greenland and longer lasting hurricanes.   So we can expect even more weirdness up Greenland way.

  1. Joshua Stevens, The remnants of Hurricane Larry dropped abundant snowfall on Greenland just as the summer melt season was coming to an end, in NASA Earth Observatory, September 15, 2021.
  2. Becky Sullivan, Greenland Pummeled By Snow One Month After Its Summit Saw Rain For The First Time, in NPR News, September 12, 2021.

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